Friday, April 5, 2013

Dane's 5th Birthday - April 2013

It's Dane's 5th birthday (already??) and we all met up a Chuck E Cheese's to celebrate.
When I got there I found Dane and Dixon in a big truck.  Dane was driving and the truck was all over the place.
Grandma possum and Aunt Del.
Suppertime!  Dixon with his Grandma having some pizza.
Dane's birthday cake.  Dane just got his yellow belt in karate.
This little cutie is one of Dane's friends.
Grandpa with Dixon.
Dane whacking the sharks.
More tokens, please.
Dixon wants in on the gaming action.
Dane waits patiently for Chuck E. Cheese to come out before he can cut his cake.
Grandpa, John, Johnny and Aunt Del chatting while they, too, wait for Chuck E. Cheese.
Bailey, Dixon and Aunt Chantal munching on some pizza.
I was poised and ready to take photos as soon as Chuck E. Cheese made an appearance and Dane saw me and gave me a smile.
Here he comes!  It's Chuck E. Cheese!
Dane gets crowned the special guest.
Chuck E. Cheese gets a big hug!
The birthday star in his crown.
This must be a yellow belt pose.  Pretty sharp.  Now you know why he got the yellow belt!
Dane making his wish before he blows out the candles.
Dane and Chuck E. Cheese.
Dane and his friend get in this chamber with masks on....
...then tickets start blowing around and they have to get as many as they can until the blower stops.  Dane stepped out of the chamber and he had tickets falling out of his shirt.
Miss Phyllis.
Melissa and Dixon reading a story while Dane opens gifts.
Dane and his birthday friend.
The guys.  Mike and Johnny, Robert chatting with John and Ed just hanging out.
Aunt Chantal takes Dixon to ride on the rocking horse.  It was going so slow that I think Dixon fell asleep.
Beautiful Bailey.
Now here's a little video of Dane dancing with Chuck E. Cheese while we all do the birthday song...Chuck E. Cheese style.

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