Over Labor Day weekend, the Milite family met in Deltona Florida to say our final good byes to my dad. It's true what they say about funerals - it's the only time that you see some of your extended family members. It's the pits too. I like these people. Every time I see them, I think, now why don't I see these guys more often?

My Aunt Mary - she's 10 years older than my dad and looks EXACTLY the same as when I last saw her 5 years ago. She moves a little slower but she's still the same. My Uncle Bob, who is 5 years older than my dad. He also looks the same as when I last saw him. I couldn't believe the physical resemblance between him and my dad. He was showing us something on his hand and all I kept thinking was "he has hands just like my dad!".

My Uncle Bob, Aunt Terry, Aunt Mary and my cousin Randy. My Aunt Terry looks amazing.

Mary, Randy & Marina.
My sister and her kids came out for the service as well. Little Miss Harper wanted to sleep with me. This is how she slept all night. I got what was left of the bed...

The day of the service, we all got up and hung around drinking coffee in the morning. Mom & Harper were outside feeding the squirrels.

After the service, everybody gathered back at Marina's.

Cheryl, Mom, Mary, Ed & Marina discussing the meaning of life.

Harper is giving Uncle Bob a lesson in Tinkerbell.

Everybody loves Randy. The kids really liked him. I can't believe this is the kid I used to chase around the mall when he was the same age as Atticus is now.

That last day, we had planned to go to the beach but nature decided we should stay home. The kiddos were a little disappointed. Harper came up with a new name for Marina - Mina. I like that.

As a result of the rain, we all hung out and watched the rain hit the pool water. My sister appears very relaxed.

These guys wore me out. We had so much fun together.

Atticus talked Mina into going to the store. Harper got a fairy outfit. She was granting wishes left and right.

Atticus talked Mina into playing with him. He got a sword, a scabbard, an axe and a breast plate. Marina played with him all afternoon. That must be how she got her exercise in.

Then she had rest period with Harper. They are coloring. Marina has been dubbed "Grandma #3".

This was the first time my mom had met Marina. They became fast friends.

Harper would make this face and I thought it was so funny.

My sister & I with my cousin Randy. Ok - I know I look terrible, but in my defense, I'd been in the pool all afternoon playing with the kids.

This was a typical scene. Harper followed Atticus around the whole time. She was his shadow. Here, she's throwing up her hands and saying 'i just don't know'.
We had a really great time. I just wish my dad could have been there to enjoy it in person rather than in spirit.
Below are a couple of videos. The first one is Atticus & Marina having a sword fight. She really got into it. The second one is Harper with the headphones on. She's singing & jamming to whatever she's listening to.