Cheryl, Chantal and Phyllis hosted a baby shower for Amber & Mike. Amber is due with her second child, Dixon James, in about 4 weeks. This was a family shower and both guys and girls were invited.


First we had entertainment. The musical act was Dane. First he did a guitar solo.

Then he did a bit of a bongo solo.

John and Mom enjoying the evening's festivities. There were baby shower games. The first game was to put your hand in this pan of rice and pull out as many safety pins as you could within the allotted amount of time. Sounds easy enough.

First up was Phyllis - Mike's mom. Here's she's counting how many she had - 9.

Everyone had to participate, even the guys. John only got 4. Not bad for a guy. Did I mention that you couldn't look in the pan? Also, the rice and the safety pins 'feel' the same in your fingers. I only got 4 or 5. It really felt weird.

Vickie - Ryan's mom - gives it a shot. She got 8. Not too shabby.

Suzanne and Henry are watching as Mike takes his turn. The guys didn't fare so well.

Robert, Mike's dad, takes a turn. The winner turned out to be Jennifer (who is sitting behind Chantal). She got 10.

The next game was to figure out what candy was in the diaper. John did pretty well. I was too grossed out to look after the first one. Did I ever mention that Aunt Angela (aka Sister) doesn't change poopy diapers? Here Amber is trying to figure out what's in diaper #2. John has quite a list going. The last game was to cut a length of string that was the same measure as Amber's stomach. She's a lot smaller than she looks (sorry Am). We all cut these huge lengths of string.

After all the shower games there was cake. Dane decided it was his birthday and that he needed a candle to blow out.

After cake, there were gifts. Mike did the honors. Amber appears to be amused - Mike must have been holding up baby outfits (of which there were many). They will have one well dressed baby.

Here she is, the happy momma.
It was just family and it was really fun. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. In attendance were the Bices: Phyllis & Robert - Mike's parents and Melissa, Mike's sister. The Johnsons: Cheryl & Ed - Amber's parents and Chantal - Amber's sister. Me & my mom & John. Vickie Alexander, Henry & Suzanne Hewitt, Jennifer (Allen's girlfriend) and Cheryl's friend, Barbara.
And finally, here is a song from the our evening's entertainment - Dane Bice. A little ditty called 'Who want's to go outside?'