I know what you're thinking - First class, big deal. And under normal circumstances, I would agree but this was First class on a Boeing 777. This was one of those planes where the commoners can't even go through your cabin. Winners to the left, losers to the right. Normally, I'd be going to the right with the rest of the losers. This time, I was able to go to the left.
Now I'm no travel novice. You've all seen pictures that I've posted, read about my travels, etc. I've flown first class. The seats are bigger, you get free booze, the warm mixed nut snack. It's all great. This time, I got my own cubby.

This was a one seat row. And that seat was mine. The chair swiveled so that I could comfortably face my own personal tv. I got my own pillow & blanket instead of having to fight with some woman that really shouldn't NEED a blanket.
I also had my own ottoman. HUH? That's right, kids. I had my own place to put my tootsies while I was flying home from Chicago.

There's even a seat belt there incase...what? I have no idea. Maybe if someone wants to come visit you from steerage, they have a place to sit.
I was obviously a first timer in this group. The flight attendant knew the guy across the aisle from me. Talk about your frequent flyer. She brought him a drink without asking! When she got to me, she asked me if I knew how to work the chair. I must have looked uncomfortable turning my head to the side like a sucker. She showed me how the swivel worked and then she reclined my seat for me.
Look at all the ways I can relax! I got a foot rest in my chair (so what's the ottoman for?). I can fully extend so that I can nap comfortably. There are all kinds of combinations.
The personal tv was way cool too. Usually, they play a movie. Their choice, right? No sir. Not in this first class. This was like "on demand". I selected the movie I wanted to watch from a list.
Then the attendant came by and asked if I wanted a little dinner after we took off. Seriously? uh, yeah? I got chicken teriyaki. It was good too. Not two sad little chicken wannabes. This was a full size chicken breast with rice and it came with a cesar salad. When she came by with the bread, I gave her the snake eye - as in "I want everything I got coming to me!". When she came by with the wine, she didn't even bother to ask, she just poured.
You know, I try to act like I belong and not like some hillbilly that never leaves the cave. But this was way beyond anything I expected.
This was one of the better business travel perks I've gotten. As a rule, we all fly steerage. But my client wanted me to come out this particular week and this was the only flight. I looked on all the other airlines, I swear! AND, this was the cheaper of the alternatives.
Sometimes, it pays to be a consultant.