It's been while since we had a family get together so we invited everyone to our house so we could catch up with one another.
In attendance were: Ed, Cheryl, Mom, Chantal, Bailey, Drew, Mike, Amber, Dane, Juju & Pete. OH! and of course, me & John. Allen was out of town and Ryan wasn't feeling well. Instead of cooking, we catered from Babe's Fried Chicken. Can I just say...YUM! We over ordered, of course but it was great.
The celebration was May birthdays. John & Cheryl both had a birthday earlier this week.
John played soccer with the kids out in the back yard. It was pretty funny - Dane found his soccer ball and we egged him in to going to get John to play with him. So he walked into the den with this soccer ball chanting "john, john, john".

John, Drew & Bailey playing soccer out in the back yard.

Dane. He's so cute. When he first came in, he was kind of shy. He was wearing his shades and he wouldn't take them off.
After soccer, John came limping in and he was bleeding. He lost. He was fine - except that he did twist his knee a bit. We don't know where the blood came from but once we wiped it off, he was good. The knee sidelined him for the rest of the day, though.

We took the opportunity to present Mom & Dad with their 45th wedding anniversary present - a gift certificate to The Mansion. All three of the kids chipped in to treat Mom & Dad to a nice dinner. Since we weren't sure when we'd see them again before their anniversary month, we decided to give them the gift now.

John & his parents.

Later in the afternoon, we requested that Bailey give us a little song from Annie. Earlier this year, she played the lead in Annie for her school. Not all of us got to go but we heard how great she did and we wanted to see her sing. Here, Drew & Dane are getting comfortable to watch.
I'm so angry at myself for not turning on the light or something! You can't really see Bailey very well but you can hear her belt out the song.

Mom & Amber.

This was too funny. Dane got tired of hanging out with us so he went into the next room and slammed the door. This was the reaction of three of the moms. Just for the record, everything was fine.

Mom, Drew & Bailey.

Cheryl, Drew and Bailey.

Me & Ed.
We all really had a good time. We had one more show. This time it was Drew. He's got rhythm!