This time out I drove. I've had enough of the airport for a while. Oklahoma City is 3 hours from my house so it's easier to drive. If I were to fly, I'd spend more time at the airport than in the air.
I'm staying in downtown Oklahoma City in a neighborhood called Bricktown. This is a historic part of downtown that first sprung up in 1898. There were three generations of buildings that went up in the part of town. The first generation was between 1898 - 1903, the second was from 1903 to 1911 and the last generation was from 1911 to 1930. The building styles were all different to varying degrees but the common thread was that they were all built with red brick.
Now it's largely an arts & entertainment district. They have a ballpark (right behind my hotel) where the minor leagues play. Mickey Mantle is from this area so his name is very prominant in all the street names & some of the restaurant names.

This is the tunnel that separates Bricktown from downtown Oklahoma City.
They have a riverwalk, similar to that in San Antonio but not quite as extensive.
The minor league ballpark. I've never been to a game here but it looks like a pretty nice park. Maybe some time when I'm not so busy...
A view of the riverwalk. I had dinner in one of the restaurants off the river. It was a pretty good Cajun place called the Bourbon Street Cafe. Most of the restaurants along the riverwalk and in the Bricktown area are chains like Spaghetti Warehouse, Abuelo's, etc. The others are similar to places like Chili's or Hooters.
All in all, it's a nice place to visit.
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