This town feels very much like Austin, but colder. It's an isthmus - sandwiched between Lake Mendota and Lake Manona. The streets are filled with students and the campus occupies most of the surrounding area in the town.
When I first got assigned to this gig, all I could think of was "Wisconsin? In March? I'll freeze!". I looked at the forecast and the highs were in the '40s. But when I got here, it wasn't really that cold. It wasn't windy, even though we were surrounded by water. All the kids had these fur lined boots and the goofy hats that have ear flaps. On the days that it rained (most of the days I was here) they wore these goofy looking golashes. These people obviously are not slaves to fashion. They appear to be all about comfort...and warmth. These are my kind of people!
The first order of business was business. I had a meeting with the client. They supposedly had a great view of the lake from their offices. Unfortunately, it was so foggy, you could barely see anything. Below is a photo of the view from the client office. You can't even see the lake.
My first day here, after my client meeting, I decided to walk in the direction of the campus to find food. I walked over a mile in one direction and passed a cousin's sub shop and two subway stores. Seriously?? I'm not much of a sandwich person so I headed back to the hotel. Across the street was a sushi place and on the other corner a Korean place. The last corner had an Italian place that I considered but they weren't open for lunch. I decided to eat at the hotel restaurant but guess what? Closed. No kidding. I ended up having a cookie that the hotel left me the night before.
As I was walking along, I kept wondering why they had these big piles of dirt along the side of the road. It didn't look like they were doing any construction. As I got closer, I realized that it was dirty snow. It was all nasty from car exhaust and stuff that I thought it was dirt.
I also thought all these house were pretty cool. In the area of town I was staying in, it was mostly student housing. They had these old houses that looked REALLY cool that had been split up into apartments.
They also had your traditional student housing apartments. Apparently 'free heat' is a huge selling point here.
That night, I decided to head out to State Street. This is supposed to be the equivalent of Austin's 6th Street. I've never been to 6th street but in my mind I pictured lots of students, lots of noise, lots of action. I walked the 2 miles from my hotel to State Street. Then I walked the 10 or so blocks on State Street. It was kind of a let down. Of course, it was a Monday night. I did get to see the capitol all lit up. That was pretty nice.
I kept walking and walking. I thought, it's not quite dark, I should hurry over to the lake so I can check it out. Right after I thought that, it got dark. I kid you not. Still, I was so close that I had to try. I walked down a couple of streets in the direction of the lake and before you know it, I was all alone and it was very dark. I thought I was right next to the lake but I couldn't see anything so I turned around and headed back to the hotel.
Keep in mind, I still hadn't eaten. Nothing but Pubs & bars & pizza. I was really getting frustrated. With my trusty iPhone, I was able to make my way back to State street and head back to the hotel. On the way I saw a Mexican place and almost laughed out loud. Mexican? in Wisconsin? No way! I decided to check it out because I had to know what they though Mexican food was. Apparently, there are Mexican people in Madison that know how to cook. I had the best pork and chile verde. It was awesome! If my hotel had a microwave, I'd have brought it back with me. Check it out - doesn't it make you hungry?
I headed back to the hotel with food in my belly and a smile in my heart. It's a good thing I walked. I think I ended up with about 8 miles for the day when all was said and done.
The next two days, I was working out of the hotel. I work out of my house in one of the bedrooms that we've tricked out like an office. This should be the same thing, right? I felt like I was going stir crazy. I ordered toast to my room for breakfast. Blech. Soggy bread. AND only 1 stinking cup of coffee. I only ordered the toast because I thought it came with a pot of coffee! The food that day was really not so good. I didn't really go anywhere because it was raining. I hit the gym at lunch and then my legs fell off. Or at least they felt that way.
The third day I had breakfast in the little restaurant downstairs. I had UNLIMITED refills of coffee. Every time the lady came by and said, "would you like more coffee?" I said "Yes I would. Thank you." But the toast was still soggy. It was wet outside but I thought, I won't melt. I walked over to the university for lunch. I wanted to get some shirts as gifts and eat on campus. There HAD to be food there other than subway. I ended up eating at this brauthaus. I had a braut that was really good. The fries were the pits and the bread was a bit much but the brat itself was yummy!
I walked around the campus a bit and found Lake Mendota. The lake was frozen. As in ice. As in the water was not moving. There were two little ducks on the lake and they had this puddle of water to swim in and the rest of the lake was frozen over. I couldn't believe it. I'd never seen that before. There's a section that looks like a little white cap but it's SNOW! Snow on the frozen lake.
Back in the hotel room. One thing - these people kept giving me cookies. Every night - 2 freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Good God! Enough! I've had 6 cookies in four days! I have four more in the nightstand drawer. I don't want to even look at another chocolate chip cookie. With all the walking I did, I still don't think I offset the effects of these evil cookies.
For dinner that night I ventured out again. This time in a different direction. I found this place called Tex Tubb's Taco Palace. I read mixed reviews about the service but someone posted that they had a fried avocado taco here and that it was to die for. Now, how can I pass that up? I ordered the fried avocado taco and a fish taco (grilled mahi). The fried avocado was just bizarre. The fried part was good but it was avocado overload. The fish taco was good but I just don't think mahi mahi is the fish to put in it. Overall, I was satisfied. Besides, how can you not go to a place called Tex Tubb's Taco palace?
Thursday was the big day. I did the final presentation to the client. I'd been practicing in my room (out loud - the maids probably thought I was psycho!) all week so I was ready. When I got to the client office, I look out the window and realized that the lake was frozen. That's why I couldn't see it last time. The ladies were telling me that sometimes people go out there and sit on a 5 gallon drum and fish all day. Huh???
The presentation went well but it didn't take as long as we thought so I decided to walk around so more. I hadn't had anything to eat (too nervous) and it was 2 pm. I'd heard the hotel bartender tell another guy that this restaurant called The Old Fashioned was really good. I was walking around and saw it and thought why not? I should have thought twice. It was mediocre at best.
I was down around the capitol area again and this time I had my mind made up to see the other lake. Plus there was an outdoor garden and a tribute to Otis Redding! I made my way down to the lake when I realized this is exactly where I'd been the other night. When I thought I couldn't see the lake? It was because it was frozen too! The place that had the garden and the tribute was closed. Bummer. I went ahead and walked back to the hotel. Another 2 or 3 miles. That's really a good thing. I just wish I hadn't been wearing loafers.
Well, my trip is over. It was really interesting. I'll be back in a couple of weeks but I won't have time to do much other than sleep and work. Next week I'll be in El Paso. We'll have to see what that brings....
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