The saying in Texas is that if you don't like weather then wait a minute. Our weather is always changing. I think we, in Dallas, were all surprised with the weather the past couple of days. It's February and we've just had two days of snow.
When you think of snow in Dallas, it's really kind of a joke. We get this light dusting of precipitation. Nothing sticks and it's usually gone the next day. What we mostly get is ice. Not this past week though. I woke up on Thursday morning to find it snowing and snowing hard. I couldn't believe it. Then I thought - it'll be over in an hour. But no - it went on ALL day. I think we got 6 or 7 inches of snow. And it was real snow - just like they get up North.

This is my house at about 10:00 in the morning on Thursday. You can still see the snow falling. The layer of snow on the roof doesn't look that bad...yet.
John was working from home. His team works out of San Diego and they asked him to send a picture of a snow angel. So, of course, I couldn't resist that. I made a snow angel in the back yard.

I know I look pretty ridiculous but I don't think I've ever made a snow angel before. When I got up, I had to change my pants & underwear because they were soaking wet. It was funny, really.

I don't think it came out too badly for a first timer. Even during the making of this snow angel, the snow kept falling. And it was COLD! A couple of hours later, I wanted to take a picture of the snow angel with my camera.

You can barely even see it now. That's how much it was snowing. On the news they said it started at 6:00 am. It didn't stop until the next morning.
When I got up on Friday morning, the snow had finally stopped but it had completely covered everything.

This is my back yard. My poor tree is weighted down with snow.

This is outside my front door. Isn't it beautiful? It looks so quiet and peaceful.

My street before anyone was up and about.
At lunch, I decided to take a walk through the neighborhood to see how everything looked. There were a lot of snowmen around. This was one of the better ones.

There's a creek down by the park near our house. I walked over thinking it would be really pretty there and I was not disappointed. This picture really doesn't do it justice.

On the way back home, I saw that the snow did quite a bit of damage. You would think something as innocuous as snow would not cause any damage but the weight of the snow broke tree limbs. Our tree in front of the house lost a limb. I thought it was because it was a thin tree. But check out this tree.

This tree was no lightweight. It was a mature full grown tree and the weight of the snow basically snapped it in half. The branches were blocking the entire street. That was so sad. I hate to think of such an enjoyable experience as this snow storm having caused damage like this. This was the worst that I saw in our neighborhood but it wasn't the only tree that came down.
The weather during my walk was wonderful. It was cold, no doubt. But it was crisp. It wasn't windy at all so it was really very pleasant. There were lots of kids out building snowmen and snow forts - lots of snowball fights, lots of laughter. I had no idea we had so many kids in our neighborhood. I made my way back home. This is how the house looked when all was said and done.

Tomorrow it will all be slush and it will be a big mess but for now, it's nice.
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