It's been a long time coming but it's finally here. It's the wedding day. My family went out to Phoenix to celebrate the wedding of my sister to Kevin Kon.
We started out with a "girls-only" breakfast. My mom, sister and I don't get to spend a lot of time together so we had a celebratory breakfast at Corner Bakery.
Afterwards, we met up with my cousins from El Paso and we all went to get our nails done. Even Kevin gets a pedicure.
My sister goes for a manicure.
Beautiful tootsies. Nadia picked a color that matches her dress.
The wedding hair. It looks great.
After the hair comes the make up.
In the "waiting room" before the wedding we took some pictures.
Atticus and Tres.
Me and my sister. Some people say we look alike but I don't see it.
Linda, my sister's best friend since the third or fourth grade.
Tres and Caron. Caron is the officiant (and also my sister's good friend and running buddy). They are practicing the vows.Waiting for the festivities to start.
The dress.
My sister looked fantastic! I don't think I've ever seen her look so radiant.
More pre-wedding photos.
With my mom.
With Marina.
Back outside, I found Nadia. Her nail polish really did match her dress! She looks gorgeous.
This guy was with me. He looked pretty good as well.
The wedding was at Ashley & Scott's house. Ashley is Kevin's
sister. Ashley did all the planning, organizing and even made the
invitations and she did a great job.
Their backyard was made for
entertaining. It was beautiful.
A crowd shot. It's pretty much my entire family. Mom, John, Marina, Angie, Nadia, Ryan, Lupe and Ismael. Dani, another of Kevin's sisters, cues the crowd that the wedding is about to start.
Kevin looks very excited.
This was very cute. Atticus and Harper are the best man and maid of honor.
Waiting for the bride.
Joe, a friend of my sister's, gives the bride away.
Caron reads a lovely passage about love.
The vows and the rings.
It's official. Man and wife.
This was really cool. They each had a bottle of colored sand. They poured the sand into the vase.
A blended family.
The recession. Doesn't she look fabulous?
And now the wedding photos. Ashley had us all go over to a golf course at the end of her block to take the formal wedding pictures. 
The bride and groom.
The family.With Kevin's dad and step-mother.
With the parents.
The sisters. Dawn, Ashley, Kevin, Tresa and me.
Me, Harper and Tres.
Marina, me, Harper, Tres and mom.
The three Milite women.
My family.
Lupe and Nadia.
The Perez family: Lupe, Nadia and Ismael.
Me, Lupe, Tres and Nadia.
Mom, Tres, Nino and Angie.
My sister and her favorite brother-in-law.
Me and John.
Ismael, Tres and Kevin.
Tres and her friends, Sharon and Susie.
Tres and her friend, Cindy.
The cake. Ashley made the cake as well.The reception.
Mother of the bride.
Personalized M&Ms. They were delicious!The ceremonial cutting of the cake.
I think everyone was surprised that they didn't smash cake into each others faces.
Kevin and Ashley. Kevin is a huge Darth Vader fan. Ashley put Darth on the cake.
Me and my honey.
Me and my mom.
Harper and Tresa.
Signing the license.
The official first dance.
Everybody dance now! Marina, Dawn and Kevin.Me and my sister.
Linda & Caron shaking their groove things.