For those of you that don't know, my cousin, Amber, is getting married in November. We are very excited for her and welcome her fiance & his family to our family. This past weekend, a wedding shower was held in honor of Mike & Amber.
This is Amber & Mike
This is Amber and my uncle, Ed. He is the patriarch of all the goofiness in our family.
Mike & Amber received many really nice things from their friends and family but this was probably one the more important things: A cookbook!
My two beautiful cousins!
This is Amber with my other cousin, Chantal (her sister). She was one of the hostesses of the wedding shower and will be the Matron of Honor in the wedding.
Amber & Mike with Mike's mom and grandmother. Mike's mom, Phyllis was another of the shower hostesses. Mike's sister was also a hostess. I don't know why she didn't make it into the photo..
The Johnson women - Amber, Cheryl and Chantal.
These gorgeous girls, Bailey and Chloe, will be the flower girls at the wedding.
This guy with the spikey hair is Drew. He is the designated ring-bearer.