Sunday, May 12, 2013

Harper's Birthday - April 2013

Harper's birthday is this month so mom and I took a quick trip out to Phoenix to visit.  We got there Friday evening and when we go to my sister's house, they had a lovely welcome sign for us.
Harper got an American Girl doll from Grandma.  While Harper was combing the doll's hair, Grandma was combing Harper's hair and she did not look happy about it.
It was a pretty big weekend.  Not only did Harper have a visit from me and my mother but also from her Papa as well as Mimi and Didi.  Then she had a party to go to for her friend Laci.  So the plan was for Brad to come pick up Harper and Atticus on Saturday morning so they could spend some time and then for Harper to go to Laci's party.  Then Harper and Atticus were coming back to hang out with us.

While we were waiting for Brad to come, Harper and Grandma were brushing the doll's hair.  Harper has two American Girl dolls now.  McKenna and someone else.
This is the new one.  They've just brushed the dolls hair and they are admiring their handiwork.
Then Harper decided to give us a show.  She's singing about how she's going to give us each a hug and kiss before she leaves.  There's a knock at the door mid-sentence and she dropped her "microphone" and ran to the door yelling, "Papa's here!".  Needless to say, there were no hugs and kisses for us.
Atticus is 10.  He is the model of patience and takes great care of his annoying sister.  Here he is with one of his favorite people - Grandma.
That afternoon after all of the festivities with Papa and Laci, we went to Target.  I had promised Harper that we'd have a "girl's day" of shopping and that she could pick out whatever she wanted for her birthday.  As we were roaming around the store, she picked up this hat to try it on.  Cute, no?
On our adventure to Target, Grandma and Atticus came with us.  Atticus got a treat or two just because.  He ended up getting a nerf rifle gun thing with a couple of magazines of extra bullets.  Then we had a contest who could shoot the most bullets off the ledge using one magazine.  I think it was a tie between me and Atticus (although Grandma did a pretty good job as well).  That was fun.
Harper ended up getting another doll.  This one had blond hair down to her calves.  I believe she named this doll Elizabeth.  Elizabeth had pink and teal braids in her hair as well.

Both kids also got shoes and shirts and a couple of other things from Grandma.  I know what you're thinking but what can I say?  She's Grandma.
That evening, Kevin took us all to dinner at Z Tejas.  I think we were looking at photos on my iPhone and I'd venture to guess they were photos of her. 
At 6, Harper is quite the ham.

Mom and I had to go back home on Sunday.  It was a really quick trip.  It was fun though, because while Atticus and Harper were with Brad and his parents, Mom and I got to actually spend time with just my sister.
On the way to the airport, Harper took my phone and made a few movies for me.
This one was the shortest of the bunch.  It's only 7 seconds but it's a good representation of what the rest of them looked like....

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