Monday, May 13, 2013

Emily's Graduation - Fayetteville, AR - May 2013

John's cousin, Emily Finch, graduated from college this weekend from the University of Arkansas.  We were invited to attend the ceremony so we went.  As I'd never been to Arkansas, I was pretty excited. 
We left Friday night and crossed the state line from Oklahoma into Arkansas about 9pm.  I'm kind of a nut about taking pictures when we cross the state line.  This was a little hard to get because it was dark so it's a little blurry. 
We were meeting up with Mom, Dad and Emily the next morning.  Some how we ended getting up REALLY early so we decided to drive around Fayetteville a bit.  We drove by the Clinton House Museum.  Apparently Bill & Hill actually got married in this little house and lived there afterwards.  You can go in but we didn't.
We took a quick driving tour through the university.  This is the Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium, home of the Arkansas Razorbacks.
John outside the stadium.
We still had extra time so we drove out to Lake Fayetteville.  All the fisherman were getting ready to head out.
We met up with everyone and Emily gave us a fantastic tour of the university.  This is a view from the top of the parking garage across from the stadium.
Emily and Aunt Judy.
Old Main.  This is the oldest building on the campus of the University of Arkansas.
John and Emily discussing life after college.
So one thing I noticed was that this town is very hilly and very green.  It's really quite pretty out here.  It reminds of Austin back in my college days.  I didn't actually attend college there but I went there a lot when I was in college.
After the tour of the campus.  We parted ways.  We met up for lunch and then afterward, Emily wanted to take photos in her cap and gown.  So I first met Emily about ten years or so ago.  She and her mom had come to Texas during the summer to visit.  She had to have been about 12 or 13, I guess.  She was very sweet and very shy.
She has grown into this beautiful, outgoing and poised young woman. 
Emily at the You of A sign.  (Catchy!)
All of us on the steps leading up to the campus.
Emily on the steps of Old Main.
Emily and Aunt Judy.
Emily with the Old Main tower in the background.
Mom, Emily, John and Dad.
The clock tower.  After the last round of photos, we split up again.  The graduation ceremony was at 6:30.
Emily waiting to receive her diploma.
Waiting in line to be called.
Receiving her diploma.
Singing the Alma Mater.
Emily and Miss Joyce.  Miss Joyce, her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter drove in from Maryland.
Emily and Piper.
Emily and her advisor.
Emily and her friend, Ashley.
Emily and her friends.
Emily and her mentor, Angela.
Emily with her very proud Uncle Pete and Aunt Judy.

After the ceremony, we left Emily so that she could hang out with her friends.  We headed back to the hotel for a snack and a night cap.

The next morning was Mother's Day so we met up with Mom & Dad and had a fantastic breakfast at a place called the Village Inn.  After breakfast, we went to church and then the long drive home.
We missed all this beauty driving in since it was dark.  It's the Ozark Mountains.  The photo doesn't do it justice.
This was kind of cool.  It's not everyday you get to drive through a tunnel under a mountain.
After about an hour we crossed the state line into Oklahoma.
So, I've never been this far North into Oklahoma so I assumed the whole state was like the area across the border from Texas - dry, brown and drab.  This is Lake Eufaula.  This part of the state was gorgeous.

It was a quick trip but well worth it to see Emily cross the stage.  She is an incredibly impressive young woman and I can't wait to see what she does next!

John recorded Emily walking across the stage.  It's about 2 minutes or so...

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