Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013

It's Easter and we all went over to Michele's for the annual Easter egg hunt.
400 eggs are hidden in the pasture.  Some have chocolate and some have money.  All the kids line up to begin hunt.
Bev lets them in one by one.

Paul finds two right out of the gate.
Michele documenting the hunt.
John in search of the money eggs.
John, James and Elizabeth, Paul's girlfriend, all searching for eggs while mom (Juju) takes photos.

Hey guys!  Here's one...
Dad and John catching up.
Maggie on the hunt.
After all the eggs have been found, everyone gathers in the shade to count the booty.  Paul and Maggie open their eggs and count the money.
Brendan, James and John...
Sam and Claire.
John and mom.
After the money has been counted, the boys try to pick up a game.  John and Brendan start.
John shoots and he scores!
Uncle John and Brendan playing HORSE.  Uncle John takes a shot.
Brendan takes a shot.
Paul and Elizabeth.
James gets in on the action.
Mark playing with Brendan and John. 
Claire gives the boys a run for their money.

As always a fun time at Michele's with family.  Happy Easter everyone!

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