Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cheerleading Competition - San Antonio, Tx - March 2013

This past weekend Mom and I drove down to San Antonio to attend a Cheerleading competition that Bailey was participating in.  I've been wanting to go to one of her events for a while and the timing has always been off.  Luckily, this time we were able to go.

It was fantastic!  I was really only going to cheer Bailey and her team on but I enjoyed all the performances that I saw.  These girls are very athletic and some of the stunts they do are amazing.  The cutest of all were the little girls.  There were some teams where the girls were only about 5 or 6.

Back to Bailey.  Her team is called United South Premier and they kicked ass!  Wait - can I say ass?  They kicked butt!
Here's where they come out and greet the crowd.
 Get ready.  Focus.  Bailey is the second from the left.
Then the girls exploded into cartwheels....
...and stunts!  This girl is going to backflip to the girls behind her who will then lift her up over their heads.
And up she goes....
Then there was dancing...
 ...and cheering...(they are cheerleaders afterall...)

Then there were synchronized flips.  Ready.....
Nailed it! 
I think this is one of my favorite shots.  They all jumped in the air and did the splits from a dead standstill. 

And if the first jump wasn't enough, they did this one, also from a dead standstill.
 Nice job.
Then they all flipped and tumbled across the stage in controlled chaos.  How they didn't bump into one another is beyond me.  It was amazing!
Another group stunt. 
After all the teams completed their routines, they all gathered on stage to await the results.  Bailey's team came in second but I think the team that beat them only did so by a milli-point.

I was really impressed with all the girls especially since I don't think I could even do a summersault.  I had such a great time and I was very glad I got to see the team perform.  It was awesome.
We were all very proud of Bailey.  Bailey with mom, aka "Aunt Del".
Bailey with her own proud mom!

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