Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

This year for Mother's Day, we did our annual brunch at the Worthington in Ft. Worth. As always, we had a great time. This year we lingered a little longer that usual in the walkway over the street. There was a nice piano that John and Brendan used to provide a little entertainment. And, the atmosphere was conducive to relaxation after a wonderful meal.

Here's Mom and her two eldest children.

Here's the other mom, Michele and her 4 boys. Paul in back, Brendan and John on each side and James in front.

Brendan & Grans

John & Brendan at the piano. According to Brendan, all the good sounds that were coming from the piano? Yeah, that was him.

Dad enjoying the relaxing sounds of the "John & Brendan Duo" on the piano.

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