Saturday, November 17, 2007

Amber's Wedding

This is it. The wedding day! What a beautiful wedding. Amber & Mike were married at the Cappella Court in Richardson.

The moms light the individual candles that will eventually light the unity candle.

Amber & Mike light the unity candle that represents two becoming one.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bice

The flower girls: Bailey & Chloe.

The big entrance of the bride & groom

The peanut gallery looks on while the couple does their first dance as a married couple.

Allen & Mom at the reception

All of us cousins in the same place! Allen, Chantal, Tres, Amber & me.

Harper looks beautiful in her wedding outfit

Bailey & Chloe.

Their first dance as a married couple.

The Father/Daughter dance.

Mike dances with his mom.

And then they all danced!

Allen & Chantal

Amber dances with Bailey & Drew & Chloe..

Tres dances with her son, Atticus

Proud parents of the bride.

Ed & Mom

A good time was had by all.

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