Monday, May 29, 2023

The Graduation - Part 1

We got to witness the coolest thing!  Our nephew graduated from West Point as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army.  As we were walking around the campus, people kept congratulating us, as if we did anything.  He did it.  We were just innocent bystanders enjoying the ride.

It started four years ago.  We came out here in March 2020 for family weekend.  It was right before COVID took over.  We got to tour the campus and see Brendan in uniform.
After that, we'd come up once a year to go to a game, a sprint football game, that is.  He and James both played on the sprint football team.  
We'd come up and watch the game on Friday. On Saturday we go to that other football game.  
After that, we'd get to see the boys and have dinner with them.

Four years later, here we are.  

It started on Friday with the graduation parade.  I love all the military stuff, especially here.  This particular ceremony has been done the same way for over a hundred years.  All the cadets march onto the plain, the seniors for the last time.  This is the traditional transfer of seniority from the "firsties" (the graduation class) to the "Cows" (the juniors).  The seniors are at the front of the plain as the remaining cadets march by.  It’s very cool to watch.
The Plain where the parade takes place.  I love this view.  All the cadets will be coming through the sallyports.
It starts with a demonstration by the parachute team.  All the seniors are jumping.  This is one of my favorite things.  These people land with precision.
All the cadets marching onto the plain.
Saluting the colors.
The seniors are reviewing the cadets.  They remove their hats until their company passes by in review.  Then they put their hats back on and salute. 
After the parade we all converged on the plain for photos.  Brendan with his brothers, John & Paul.

The big day is Saturday, Graduation Day.  I graduated 100 years ago but I still remember the excitement from that day and I didn't go to a school that had hundreds of years of history and tradition.  I can only imagine how these cadets must have felt following in the footsteps of so many before them and to be part of something special: The Long Gray Line.
The seniors gather one last time at Michie Stadium (where there is very little shade).
The commencement speaker was Vice President Kamala Harris.  It's the first time in history that a woman has given the commencement speech at West Point.  I can't recall who spoke at my graduation but I'll remember this forever!  In the bleachers are all the other cadets.  As names were called, there was lots of cheering from that section.
Brendan Windsor!  
The salute.
The accepting of the degree.  That's his actual diploma!  Mine was a blank folder.  After getting the diploma, they had to walk through a maze of people to salute, shake hands, etc. before heading back to their seat.  
This fella got the loudest cheers.  He was the class GOAT.  It doesn't mean what you think it means.  This guy is graduating last in his class meaning he has the lowest GPA.  West Point is tough and a lot of cadets drop out.  This guy was able to pull it off and he still graduated from West Point!  According to tradition, all the cadets donate a dollar.  At graduation, the cadet with the lowest GPA is honored with the title GOAT and given the bag of money.
Once all the names have been called, the First Captain calls out "Graduating Class, dismissed!"  Then all the cadets toss their caps.  Another tradition is that all the little kids in the stadium storm the field and pick up the hats as a souvenir.  The rumor is that the cadets put money in them. 
The photos were coming fast and furious and I wasn't to keep up with them all.  Brendan and his brothers.  L to R: John, James, Brendan, Paul.
The boys with Grans.
Brendan with Bev, Paul and Uncle Jim.
Grans and Paul.

You'd think the festivities were done but no.  There's more.  We all headed to the firstie club for lunch.  
The long "march" to lunch.  After lunch, is the commissioning ceremony. This is when cadets change from their gray uniform to their officer uniform.  They pick their commissioning officer, the place on campus where it takes place and who his first salute will be.
Brendan chose Constitution Corner for his commissioning.  Brendan with his commissioning officer.  The commissioning officer says some very nice things.  Then James read the orders.  
Brendan's parents, Mark & Michele, pinned his Lieutenant bars.  The commissioning officer administers the oath.
Paul is Brendan's first salute.  (I "borrowed" this photo from David.  He was in perfect position to get it!)  I like that James is in the background looking on.  
The first family photo with the newly minted 2nd Lieutenant.
James and another cadet folding the flag that was used during the commissioning.
Brendan and all his grandparents.
Celebration table.  There are lots of goodies: cake, cookies, brownies, etc.
David and Dad.
John and Paul.
The celebratory dinner.  On the left side: Me, John, Elaine, John, Jim, Paul, Dad and Mom.  On the right side: Paul, Bev, Mark, Brendan, James, Michele, David and Sharmila.  It's a family reunion! (Missing is Brittany and Destiny).

What a weekend!  It was busy but worth it.  You'll note that the title of the blog is "Part 1".  That's because we'll be back here again in 2 years when James graduates.  Looking forward to it!

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