Saturday, August 12, 2017

Family Vacation - Ft. Walton Beach, Fl

We did it again!  We were actually able to get my entire (and I mean ENTIRE) family together and we all descended on Ft. Walton Beach.  Let's see.  This time we had:
  • Me and John
  • Mom
  • Tres, Kevin, Atticus and Harper
  • Ed & Cheryl
  • Chantal, Bailey and Drew
  • Allen, Shaynee and Danielle
  • Phyllis and Robert
  • Amber, Mike, Dane and Dixon
  • Johnny
  • Charmaine, Javier, Madison, Kennedy and LJ
Whew!  Twenty-seven people.  Everyone but me, John and Mom drove down on Friday.  The three of us left early on Saturday morning.  Ed had mentioned there was construction on I-10 in Lafayette so we decided to take the scenic route.  We packed sandwich makings and had planned to stop at a rest area in Mississippi.  After driving and driving, someone started getting hangry.  It was after one!  In desperation, we finally stopped at a Wal-Mart parking lot in Magee, Mississippi and ate our lunch.
After lunch, we pressed on.  It is a LONG drive to Ft. Walton Beach.  Seven hundred miles.  We got there a little after six in the evening.  I have to admit, I was a little stressed.  I wasn't sure where our room was, I didn't know where my sister was but we eventually figured it out.  We unloaded the truck, which was packed to the rim, by the way, and collapsed in our rooms.
We woke up the first day of vacation to this view from our balcony.  It started as a nice gentle rain.  Then the heavens opened up and it was like someone turned on the shower.  It was a pretty heavy downpour but by noon, it was sunny and cool. 
Our condo was pretty nice.  John and I got a one-bedroom condo that had two full bathrooms.  That was sweet.  The first morning, we made coffee and hung out until the weather cleared.  Then I went downstairs to my sister's room.
Harper and I played with LPS's until it was time to get our swimsuits on and hop in the pool.  Last time, John and I took a drive into Pensacola as a trip down memory lane.  This time, Pensacola came to me in the form of my very good friend, Wayne McCutchen.  I hadn't seen him since I graduated from high school.  I won't tell you how many years but it's a lot.
He looks exactly the same!  Wayne and his daughter, Mallory, came to spend the day with us.  We had so much fun.  It was great to catch up and visit with my friend. 
Mallory and Harper planning on spraying unsuspecting floaters in the Lazy River.
Wayne joins the girls in the river.  It was a really fun day.
We spent a lot of time on this balcony either sipping coffee or sipping cocktails.  It was very relaxing.
As is usually the case, this vacation includes Amber's birthday.  We were headed to a nice place for dinner...all of us.  Did I mention we were a party of twenty-seven?  Harper and mom didn't go.
 Me and my sister.
Floyd's!  That was the name of the place.  It was really good. 
As we waited in the lobby for our table(s), we all chatted.  Here's me and Dixon.
Phyllis and Robert with my sister.
Me and Atticus.  When did he get so tall??
Ed & Cheryl.
Nino and Kennedy.
Me, Charmaine and some weirdo guy behind us.
Kennedy, Madison, Atticus and LJ.
Cousins, Madison and Atticus. 
Me, my sister and John
We finally got three tables, I think.  At the big long table was me, Charmaine, Javier, Phyllis, Robert, Johnny, Ed, Cheryl, Chantal, Kevin, Tres and John.
At the birthday girl's table was Danielle, Amber, Allen and Mike.
The "kids" table.  Atticus, Madison, Shaynee.
Bailey, Dixon and Shaynee.  Drew was there too.
I stole this picture from Ed because, quite frankly, it's just funny.  We'll just say that a good time was had by all.
A day at the beach.  Almost everyday, Mike and Ed would pitch a tent and people would gather round to chat and drink.
Ugh! Talk about unflattering.
Drew and Chantal.
Mike and Amber.
The rest of the time, we spent around the pool or the lazy river.  Mom and Atticus.
Madison and Kennedy.
Tres and Harper waving to me from the pool.
One thing is for sure.  We ate good!  Ed, aka "The Grill Master", grilled fish and burgers.  Javier made his famous brisket.  Everyone contributed sides.  Everything was delicious.
Yay, Ed!
The last evening, sipping drinks on the balcony.
A view of the pool at night from our room.  It's really a great resort and a fun vacation.  It's similar to a cruise where everyone does what they want and then we all come together at some point in the day.  Thank you again to Phyllis and Robert Bice for letting us join them on their annual trip.
Goodbye Florida!  We had fun,,,

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