Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 2014 - Visit to Baltimore

I wasn't gonna but then I saw the photos and I just had to...

Last weekend, John and I went up to Baltimore to see Courtney, Dave and the girls.  (Mostly the girls, but don't tell!)

Maybe I'm biased but I don't think so.  They are so cute and so fun.  Rowan is walking around unassisted and Maeve is right behind her. 
We got up on Saturday morning and I was watching Maeve.  She was walking back and forth on the sofa and then she came and put her little head down on her arms and just looked over at me.  She could have asked me for anything and I'd have given it to her.  She was that cute!
Rowan seems to be a little more independent.  She was all over the place and she was pretty fast.  She was going up and down the stairs.  She can climb up on her own.  I was helping her walk up and down.
Here's dad driving Maeve around.
It's very cool.  Dave even makes the car noises.
Rowan with the remote control.  No more football!
I love their outfits.  Maeve is in the white sweater and Rowan is in the black sweater. 
Their shoes are so cute.  A gift from Uncle Curt.
They are ready for a day out on the town.
They had the cutest little hats and gloves.  Maeve's hat was a little big and it kept falling in her face.
Walking around St. Michael's.
At some point Maeve had had enough of the hat.  It was pretty chilly so John said if you're not gonna wear it, I will.  And he did.
Maeve and her mama.
Shopping for souvenirs.
One worn out little girl.

Cousins:  John, Courtney and Emily.
John and Emily.  Emily came out to see us while we were there.

It was a really quick weekend.  We had so much fun.  The girls were hilarious.  Maeve liked to toddle over to the closet where the cleaning supplies were.  I would tell her no and she would belly laugh.  I know she was telling Rowan, "Watch me make her jump!" as she'd walk back over to the cleaning supplies and I would jump up to pull her away.  

Thanks to Courtney and Dave for having us.  Thanks to Emily, Aunt Maryanne and Curt for coming out to see us.

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