Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day 2015

Okay kids here we go...

This Memorial Day we went up to see John's cousins, Courtney and Dave.  We'd been threatening to show up for some time and all the stars aligned and we made it happen.  I, of course, had added incentive...babies.  As much as I love Courtney and Dave, I won't even pretend that I wasn't itching to play with the girls, Rowan and Maeve.  

You know how sometimes you build something up and when it actually happens, it's a bit of a let down?  Not the case here.  Those girls were so fun and so blasted cute.  The first day we hung out with the girls in the morning.
This sweet baby is Maeve.  Cuter than cute. 
John and Maeve.
Look at that sweet face!  I'm sure she was wondering who these strange people were but she never made a peep.
This sweet little face belongs to Rowan. You can't really tell from the photos but both girls have the prettiest blue eyes.
Me and Rowan.  I think she will be the comedienne of the two.  She had me in stitches.  I think the biggest surprise for me was how different their personalities were.  They are only 7 months old.
I'm a little outnumbered here but I was loving every minute of it.
Me and Courtney and the girls out on the dock.  I think this is Chesapeake Bay.
John and Rowan. 
This was kind of funny, although I'm probably a bad person for laughing.  The girls were on the floor and out of nowhere, Maeve just flung her hand over and popped Rowan right in the face.  Note that Rowan isn't crying.  I'm sure she was plotting her revenge...
The first day we had lunch at this really great place right on the water.  I think it was called the Severn Inn.  They had a cobb salad with shrimp and lump crab meat that was delicious!
A lovely view of the Naval Academy campus from across the bay.
Our second night there, Aunt Maryanne came over and we all went over to Boatyard for dinner.  I think that's when Maeve decided that she liked gnawing on my fingers.  I think at that point I was so smitten that they could have asked me for anything and I'd have given in.  That's what makes being an Aunt (or cousin) so much fun.
After dinner, we all went for a walk over to the beach by Courtney's house.  It was a pretty short walk and it was very nice.  We couldn't have asked for better weather.  I got to push the stroller for a bit.  Maeve in front, Rowan in back.
Us on the beach...Kind of.
A walk on the beach.
The lighthouse....

We could use some serious traffic calming in Dallas....
On Sunday, which was John's birthday, we decided to go into DC for Memorial Day.  How awesome to be in our nation's capital on such a special day.  The Washington Monument is one of those structures that you can see from almost anywhere in DC.  It's like the Eiffel're compelled to take the picture every time you see it.
This was very exciting.  Emily met up with us and we spent the day in DC with her.  Love her!
The WW II and Lincoln Memorials in the background.
The MLK Memorial.  It hasn't been up that long and I've wanted to see it for a while.
John and Emily in front of the MLK Memorial.
There are quotes on the walls that go along the memorial.  Emily and I are taking a rest in the shade.
The Jefferson Memorial.  This is one monument that I've only seen from a distance.  One of these days...
Can any person in their right mind go to DC and not stop by the Lincoln Memorial?
Lincoln Memorial.
John and Emily looking at the spot where MLK stood while he gave his I have a dream speech.
The "other" Arlington (in Virginia).  From the back of the Lincoln Memorial.
The biker parade.  It was huge!  I think every motorcycle rider in the US showed up to ride in this parade.
Watching the parade...kind of.
A view of the Washington Monument with the Capitol in the background.  Taken from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
From the Lincoln Memorial we walked (yes walked!) to the Newseum.  We passed by the White House but couldn't get very close.  Everything was blocked off around the White House.
This is the US Navy Memorial.  You can't really tell from the photo but it's in the shape of a ship.
At the Newseum, they had some very cool exhibits.  They had a 9/11 exhibit that was so moving that I didn't even realize I was crying until the tears were half way down my face.  They also had a balcony that the best view of the Capitol.
John and Emily in front of the Capitol.  Taken from the top floor of the Newseum.
This was one of the watchtowers that used to guard the space between East and West Berlin.  Creepy to think that it stood in Germany not that long ago...
After a long day in DC, we three went back to Dave and Courtney's where they were having a BBQ and a little party for John's birthday.  Here's John with one of his new best friends, Finnegan.
John and Maeve.
Photographic evidence that I was not a baby hog.  Emily and Maeve.
John and Rowan. 
Hanging out on the back patio at Courtney and Dave's.
Curt bringing out the birthday cupcakes prompting us all to sing a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday.
I think John was genuinely surprised.
 Aunt Maryanne and Maeve.

Courtney and Rowan.
I couldn't resist taking the picture.  Rowan looks so comfy napping.

All in all it was a great 4 day weekend.  Thank you to Courtney and Dave for having us and hosting a lovely birthday party for John.  Thank you to Aunt Maryanne, Emily and Curt for coming to spend John's birthday with us.  We had a fantastic time.  Oh, and thank you to Courtney and Dave for letting us play with your daughters.  They are fabulous and we look forward to watching them grow.

As always, a quick little video.  This is Rowan.  She was so funny.  When the music would come on, she would shake her little head and dance.  This is the cutest thing...but then maybe I'm a little biased...Nah!  It's cute.  Sorry it's a little dark.

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