Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas 2013

Ho ho ho!  It's already Christmas 2013.  This year finds us at the Chaney's for Christmas Eve. 
The 'termites' (aka Windsor Boys) have blown through the shrimp.  You have to get there early if you want shrimp.
Michele founds these really cool lamps.  They are empty liquor bottles that have Christmas lights inside.  When they are plugged in, they look very cool.
The Christmas tree before the gift-fest begins.
Traditional Christmas pizza.  It was really good.
John reading his Christmas present.  The Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Paul and Brendan opening gifts.
Mom opening presents.
Check me out!  I'm number 1!
Wow!  A lovely photo of her number 1 grandson, who is already a Senior in high school!  How did that happen??
I'm not sure who Brendan thinks he's kidding....
Michele's clearly amused.  But with who?
Yay! Mark got a gift card.
John-boy just taking it all in.
James is on clean up duty.
Mom likes her present.
Never to old to hang out with Grandpa.

Christmas Day ~ My mom spent the night with us and we had present-fest number 2
 John anxiously awaiting presents...
 Japanese scotch from his favorite mother-in-law.
 Mom gets TWO books about the fabulous Mr. Darcy.
For Christmas dinner, fresh ham.  That's right, kids.  I said FRESH ham.  We had oven baked potatoes and green bean casserole as well.  Delicious!

Merry Christmas!

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