Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

It's Christmas once again.  It really snuck up on us this year.  I wasn't going to put up a tree but about a week before Christmas, I gave in and put it up.
 It reminds me of the tree from "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
My mom came over and all of a sudden, we had lots of presents under the tree!
Mom went to Phoenix this year for Christmas so on Christmas Eve, we had a lovely breakfast at the House Cafe and then we came home and we opened our presents.  Afterwards, I dropped her off at the airport where she went for Christmas, Part II. 
We met up with the Chaneys at St. Vincent de Paul in Arlington for the children's Mass at 5.  Every year before Mass starts, they have the nativity play.  "Joseph" looks a little bored there.  The gold lamay  costume right of front is the "Star of David".  The little kid walks down the aisle and the three wise men follow.  It's so funny.  The play is really very cute.
After Mass, it's back to the house for homemade pizza and presents.
Mom and Dad are "simply having a wonderful Christmas time"!  (I heard that song at Tom Thumb and it's been stuck in my head ever since!)
Everyone opening gifts.
It also happens to be my birthday (on the 23rd) so Mom made cake.  She keeps trying to light a match to light the candle but the thing won't light.
Happy Birthday to me....
 John wearing one of his new Christmas shirts.
Brendan got some kind of electronic game that he really wanted.  James couldn't wait to open his gifts so he opened them while everyone was still chowing down on pizza.
Just being goofy.
Michele watching everyone opening gifts.
Mark watching Brendan figuring out how to use his new electronic thingamajig.
John got a DeMarcus Ware jersey and is very happy about it.
Mom showing John her new watch.
Showing Mom how to take self-portraits with the iPhone.
John and Dad chatting.
Birthday flowers. 

After all the gifts had been opened and all the food had been eaten, we headed back home to settle in for the duration.
Christmas morning, it was just John & I.  The weather outside was "frightful".
The fire was so "delightful".  Since we've no place to go....
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Merry Christmas!

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