Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

It's Thanksgiving - a time for family and food.  We had both.  This year it was all adults.  We had Mom and Dad, Ruth, Marina, Mom, Ed and Cheryl.  Everyone pitched in and made it a successful day.
Ruth on gravy duty.
Marina was like a whirling dervish.  As soon as something needed to be washed, she was on it. 
Our lovely turkey stuffed with cornbread dressing.  Every year, John and I cook the turkey, dressing and potatoes and everyone else brings a dish.  This year we had green bean casserole (Ruth), 2 pumpkin pies and an apple pie (Mom) and chocolate pie (Cheryl).  We also had those little cheese bread rolls that you get at Texas de Brazil (which can be found in the frozen bread section of Central Market!).
Mom and Cheryl.
Dad watching the Houston kick some Detroit butt.
Suppertime!  We serve dinner buffet style.
Everyone grabs a plate (courtesy of Mom), loads up and finds a place to sit.  Unfortunately, we don't have a table big enough for everyone to sit together so you just find a place to sit and get comfy. 
This year John & I sat with Ed, Cheryl and Marina.  Mom, Ruth and the Chaneys sat together in the kitchen.  Everything was delicious.  Every year I'm thankful for my family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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