Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer 2012

It was a busy summer and it went by very quickly.  The kids came to stay at my mother's at the beginning of July.  That weekend, they came to our house to visit and have a cookout.
 Uncle John and Atticus.
So I said to little miss - let's do a self-portrait.  She says, "Okay, Sister."  And when I snapped the picture, this is what I get. 
Harper and I were making 'presents' for everyone. 
Atticus playing on the iPad.
After a while, Uncle John and Atticus went outside to play catch.  Harper is annoyed that I won't stop taking pictures.

Then we had a day at the wax museum.  I haven't been there in years but I love the wax museum.
 Everybody loves Johnny Depp, right?
 Oprah's guest today - boy genius, Atticus Doan.
Mom & Harper being interviewed by David Letterman.  Harper is clearly unimpressed.
Michael Jackson. 
Mom telling Harper and Atticus about Jesus.  This must be the crucifiction because Harper looks a little upset.
After the museum, we got funnel cakes.  Harper is licking all the powdered sugar off her plate.
Another round of photos.  She was my best friend that weekend.
Mom and her favorite grandkids.
 For fourth of July, the kids went with us to Mom & Dad's to have burgers and fireworks.  Dad takes Atticus fishing in the pond across the street.  Atticus actually caught a fish!

This goofy girl.  She stuck to me like glue until she met her new best friend, Mia.  Then I was cast aside like an old shoe.
Once it got dark, the fireworks started.  We all sat out in the road in front of Mom & Dad's house and watched the fireworks.  Richard & Jackie Skipper were there.  The Windsor's and Dave & Tanya and Mia and Dylan were there as well.  We had a full house.  It was great!  Atticus got along great with Michele's boys.  I wish I would have gotten a picture of them all.  Photographs were highly discouraged.
Full Moon!
The fountain across the street from Mom & Dad's.  It's really pretty all lit up.

Then John & I met Mom & Dad at the Ranger game.  I haven't been to a Ranger game in forever!
The Ballpark in Arlington.  I can't believe it's almost 20 years old!  It opened back in 1994.  Wow!
Everyone's favorite player - Ian Kinsler.
The game had a rain delay.  There was a clap of thunder that was so intense all the guys on the field (including guys from the other team) ran for cover.  It was hilarious.
Rangers are up.
 I don't think this was a hit...
Mom is a little tired.
Ooops!  I got busted!
 The rain cleared out the upper deck.  We were lucky to be under cover.
Bored during the rain delay...

The Rangers ended up winning in extra innings.  We left about halfway through.  It was school night.  Still we had a great time.

We had a wonderful summer.  It just went by too fast...

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