Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

Traditionally, on Christmas Eve we go to church with the Chaney's and then it's back to the house for homemade pizza and presents. The only difference this year is that my mom came with us.

Here's the lovely Christmas tree before it was pounced upon.
John opens up Nerf guns.
Brendan watches to see what Paul gets in case he wants to "borrow" it.
Everyone has something to open.
Brendan got this stylish head cover.
The best part of Christmas is family. Here's John and Mom.
John & Dad.
James is such a ham and a Saint's fan as well.
Me and the moms.
Me & Michele.
Me & Dad.
The moms.

After the annual 'gift-fest', John, Mom & I went home. My mom slept over and spent Christmas morning with us.
John warming his fanny by the fire.The 'before' shot of the Christmas tree.
John gets a t-shirt that only true Rush fans can appreciate.I got new shoes for work.
Mom got some nice black jammies and some purple ones too!
Me with my Christmas bounty. I got new work shoes, new running shoes, a lovely black blazer and John framed my CPA certificate.After opening presents, John made us Christmas breakfast of eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and toast. What a day!

It was a great Christmas!

Me & mom.

Here's a little treat. James put on a show for us on Christmas Eve. It's about 2 minutes.

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