Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fourth of July 2011

This year for 4th of July we had a little barbeque. The kiddos were in town so Mom brought them over to our house.
Harper got a Barbie doll with lots of dresses for her to change into.
Atticus & Uncle John were playing football outside. They are planning the route...
He catches it and he scores!!!
Then Looney Tunes came on. It's mesmerizing. All of us were mouth breathing watching tv.
Well, almost all of us. Some of us decided to take a nap...
The grill masters were cooking hot dogs and Earl Campbell's sausage links.
Hot dogs anyone?
Meanwhile, Harper is still mesmerized by Bugs Bunny.

We went to the park to watch the fireworks at kaboomtown. It was nice but I think the kiddos were a little bored. It was fun for us older kids, though.

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