Sunday, January 31, 2010

Birthday Dinner

Last night we went out to celebrate my birthday at Five Sixty. This is Wolfgang Puck's restaurant that is in Reunion Tower. Can I just say - Wow! It was really good. In fact, we made reservations three weeks in advance and couldn't get the time that we wanted.
Reunion Tower.
New signage. It looked really cool. The far image is the reflection in the glass of the building.

We met at 7:00 in the bar for drinks. Even that was busy!
John, of course, got a martini. He loves a good martini. I got wine. It was really good - a Cabernet called Educated Guess.
We sat around and visited for a bit before our reservation. It was really nice. Usually, we get to a restaurant right at reservation time. Meeting in the bar first made our evening seem much more leisurely.
Mom at the bar.

When they called us for our reservation (at 7:45!) we got a table next to the window. It was an awesome view. The reason to go to Reunion Tower for dinner is because the restaurant rotates 360 degrees so that you get a great view of all of Dallas. Back when the restaurant was Anatares, the food was hit or miss. We've had a really good dinner there and a mediocre one.
View of Dallas from our table at Five Sixty.

Now that the restaurant is new, the reason to come here is the food. We got three appetizers to share: Crab cakes, Lobster spring rolls and lobster & scallop shumet (sp?) all of which were amazing. I think my favorite was the spring rolls.

John & Dad had the halibut. Oh kids - it was really good. I had the pork chop. Oh my gosh. it had the most amazing sauce. I think it qualifies as the best pork chop ever. Mom had the lamb chop and I think she was equally pleased.

I had every intention of skipping dessert but then they described this apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. It really sounded good. And it was. I ate the whole thing. John ordered Baked Alaska. I'd never had that before. It's meringue and it had ice cream in the middle and huckleberry sauce on the side. It was okay but I think it's because I'm not a fan of meringue.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience. I am still full from all that wonderful food!

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