Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday with the Windsor Boys

This past Saturday, John & I drove out to Arlington to see our nephews play in their respective games. This is something we've wanted to do for a while but our schedules never allowed for. We had a great time and all the boys did a great job.

First up was James, who is 6. He plays soccer and his jersey number is 2. Here they are. James is on the red team. They all play for the YMCA so they all line up before the game to say the oath.

James doesn't play right away so he sits (or lies) on the bench until his number is called. Waiting is boring. (That's him draped over the bench).

Now the game gets interesting. James' number has been called and look at him go!

Mom and Uncle John watch the game from the sidelines.

Here he is mixing it up with the other boys trying to get that ball.
All the boys did a great job. It was really fun to watch because they all look so cute. They all chase the ball and run as hard as they can. In the end, everyone's a winner.

Next up are John and Brendan, who are both 8. They play flag football, also for the YMCA.
John is second from the left jersey number 27 and Brendan is to the right of the quarterback - jersey number 9. They play both offense and defense.

Here's John throwing a great block.
Now they're on defense. Brendan is keeping his eye on the ball so he knows whose flag to grab. He's very focused.
Looks like Brendan is being blocked from getting to the quarterback.
The proud family on the sideline watching the game. The boys aren't playing at the moment.
Once again on defense, the boys try to get to the guy that has the ball.
The brothers powwow on the sidelines. James gives his brothers some advice.
Brendan watches the game on the sideline with his dad.
Paul didn't play in any of the games but he was very supportive on the sidelines. He was the videographer for the family, taping all the action.

Below are a couple of video snippets from the games. The first is James' soccer game. The second is John & Brendan's football game. The last one is Uncle John and James kicking the soccer ball around at the end of the football game. Enjoy.

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