Saturday, November 17, 2007

Amber's Wedding

This is it. The wedding day! What a beautiful wedding. Amber & Mike were married at the Cappella Court in Richardson.

The moms light the individual candles that will eventually light the unity candle.

Amber & Mike light the unity candle that represents two becoming one.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bice

The flower girls: Bailey & Chloe.

The big entrance of the bride & groom

The peanut gallery looks on while the couple does their first dance as a married couple.

Allen & Mom at the reception

All of us cousins in the same place! Allen, Chantal, Tres, Amber & me.

Harper looks beautiful in her wedding outfit

Bailey & Chloe.

Their first dance as a married couple.

The Father/Daughter dance.

Mike dances with his mom.

And then they all danced!

Allen & Chantal

Amber dances with Bailey & Drew & Chloe..

Tres dances with her son, Atticus

Proud parents of the bride.

Ed & Mom

A good time was had by all.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Arizona Kids

This past month, my mom went out to Arizona to help celebrate Atticus' 5th birthday. My dad joined in the celebration as well. Here are a couple of updated photos of both Atticus and Harper.

This is Atticus (5) and Harper (7 mos) with their grandparents. It's a rarity that they would both be there at the same time. (The grandparents, not Atticus & Harper).

Here's little Miss Harper all dressed up and ready to go out to dinner to celebrate her brother's birthday.

And here he is, the birthday boy himself - Atticus. He's quite the fashion plate. He chose Carrabba's for his birthday dinner. Here, he and grandma are waiting for the other's to get ready.