Saturday, November 17, 2007

Amber's Wedding

This is it. The wedding day! What a beautiful wedding. Amber & Mike were married at the Cappella Court in Richardson.

The moms light the individual candles that will eventually light the unity candle.

Amber & Mike light the unity candle that represents two becoming one.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bice

The flower girls: Bailey & Chloe.

The big entrance of the bride & groom

The peanut gallery looks on while the couple does their first dance as a married couple.

Allen & Mom at the reception

All of us cousins in the same place! Allen, Chantal, Tres, Amber & me.

Harper looks beautiful in her wedding outfit

Bailey & Chloe.

Their first dance as a married couple.

The Father/Daughter dance.

Mike dances with his mom.

And then they all danced!

Allen & Chantal

Amber dances with Bailey & Drew & Chloe..

Tres dances with her son, Atticus

Proud parents of the bride.

Ed & Mom

A good time was had by all.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Arizona Kids

This past month, my mom went out to Arizona to help celebrate Atticus' 5th birthday. My dad joined in the celebration as well. Here are a couple of updated photos of both Atticus and Harper.

This is Atticus (5) and Harper (7 mos) with their grandparents. It's a rarity that they would both be there at the same time. (The grandparents, not Atticus & Harper).

Here's little Miss Harper all dressed up and ready to go out to dinner to celebrate her brother's birthday.

And here he is, the birthday boy himself - Atticus. He's quite the fashion plate. He chose Carrabba's for his birthday dinner. Here, he and grandma are waiting for the other's to get ready.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Wedding Shower

For those of you that don't know, my cousin, Amber, is getting married in November. We are very excited for her and welcome her fiance & his family to our family. This past weekend, a wedding shower was held in honor of Mike & Amber.

This is Amber & Mike

This is Amber and my uncle, Ed. He is the patriarch of all the goofiness in our family.

Mike & Amber received many really nice things from their friends and family but this was probably one the more important things: A cookbook!

My two beautiful cousins!

This is Amber with my other cousin, Chantal (her sister). She was one of the hostesses of the wedding shower and will be the Matron of Honor in the wedding.

Amber & Mike with Mike's mom and grandmother. Mike's mom, Phyllis was another of the shower hostesses. Mike's sister was also a hostess. I don't know why she didn't make it into the photo..

The Johnson women - Amber, Cheryl and Chantal.

These gorgeous girls, Bailey and Chloe, will be the flower girls at the wedding.

This guy with the spikey hair is Drew. He is the designated ring-bearer.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Race for the Cure - 2007

Once again, we walked in the Race for the Cure. This year we had a special guest. Mom walked with us.

Every year we do this race and every year I am so moved by the turn out.

The day started early as we waited for the train to take us to the course.

We get there just in time to queue up for the race.

Most everyone is walking for someone that has been affected by this horrible disease. Mom & I display our lists. I am walking in memory of Lupe Munoz. She's my godmother's mom.

Mom walks for friends that have survived, some that did not and some that are still fighting.

It's kind of hard to read but Mom is walking in memory of her friend, Maguerite. She's also walking in celebration of her friends: Kathy Anish, Charmaine Hawkins, Pat Jefferies and Cindy Stewart.

We wish speedy recoveries for those that are still fighting.

Yes, that balloon arch that is so far away is the starting line. It takes about 15 minutes for us to get there after the starting gun has gone off.

Luckly, the weather is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold.

Target is there handing out free hats like the one this guy has on.

Here are Mom and John - racing for the cure.

Everyone has a great time.

As we come around the corner, we are at the top of a hill. These are all the people that are in front of us.

These are all the people that are still behind us. The size of the crowd is amazing!

At several corners throughout the course, there are lovely people such as this group that cheer us on.

Finally! The finish line.

We made it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New Car!!

I finally did it. I bit the bullet and bought a new car. I hated to say goodbye to my trusty Cavalier but after 7 years it was time. My new purchase is a Honda Accord LX-SE.

Check it out....

It's "Alabaster Silver" which, I think is a fancy way of just saying silver. It's 4 door with grey interior. It's got a lot more stuff than I originally intended to buy but isn't that always how it works at the dealership? You go in for 4 wheels and a steering wheel and come out with fancy gadgets, etc.

This has a really nice stereo system - 6 disc cd changer, cruise control, etc.

And it has lots of cup holders and places to put things. I LOVE that!

I think we really got a nice price and I didn't blow my budget - which was the really important thing.

Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase and hope to have this car for the next 10 years.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mia & James's Birthday Party

September is a busy month for the Chaney family. James had a birthday and he turned 5. Mia had her first birthday as well. Mia and her parents came to visit from Houston to have a little celebration with her cousin. A wonderful time was had by all.

We had some really strange visitors at the Chaney's this week. I think this guy is a visitor from Star Wars

Eeek! A stormtrooper! Who is that masked man?

It's John! He has no front teeth!

Princess Mia is having a great time. She's 1 year old now and she can stand all by herself. She can even walk a few steps. Also, she's a huge Texas fan. Hook 'em horns!

James gets a present from his cousin, Mia. His brothers want to know what it is. Hurry and open it James!

Mia loves her Uncle John.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kitchen Remodel Part 2

This afternoon, the wallpaper guys came and changed out our kitchen wallpaper. They did a great job. Attached are a couple of photos that show the paper and the border.

This is the original wallpaper.

this is the new wallpaper. This is where they had to angle the border going up. I thought it turned out nicely.

This is a little brighter. They had to cut the border to go around the beams.

Overall, I think it turned out nicely.