Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Quinceanera

Harper turned 15 on April 24th so my sister decided to give her a quinceanera and here's how it went.

Traditionally, a quinceanera marks the passage from girlhood to womanhood. It generally starts with a Mass followed by a reception.  The dresses are insane, like colorful, expensive wedding dresses.  It's  big deal. Neither my sister or I had that type of celebration when we turned 15, therefore she knew nothing about hosting a quinceanera.  So…she decided to wing it...and it was great!
My sister bought all the Mexican decorations she could find.  She ordered a bunch of Mexican food and various treats.  She got pan dulce and the Mexican cookies like the kind my grandma would get.  Yum!!
She even got various flavors of Jarritos, which is Mexican soda.
One of the party favors was a little sombrero that everybody wanted to wear.  Even our own “honorary Mexican” joined the fun.
Atticus and Dora were in charge of decorating.  Dora's sister is supervising.
Tables had the festive runners.  They strung lights and banners.  It was really cool.  The weather was fabulous.
A little more to the left…
We sat outside and soaked up the ambiance.
Dora organizing the treats while Atticus dons his sombrero and looks on.
This is the piƱata.  They were going to fill it with candy but Harper named him Charles and after that, it didn’t seem right to smack it around with a big stick.
Harper with her best buds, Kylie and Nyla.  They are checking out all the Mexican candy.
The sombrero girls.
The birthday girl.  We wanted her to wear a tiara but this was the closest she had.  I think it works perfect!  She's gorgeous!
Harper with Kevin’s sister, Ashley.  Ashley made a tres leches cake that was quite tasty.
Kevin’s sister, Dawn.
Ashley’s husband, Scott is in the blue. Dawn next to him, then John and Kevin with his back to us.  We had a ton of food.  There was a taco station, trays of enchiladas, beans, rice and some of the hottest salsa I’ve ever had.
Dora’s family.  They were kind enough to help my sister put all the decorations together.
Even Tresa’s neighbors came to join the fun.
Harper with Charles.  I wanted to name him Carl but I was overruled.  My sister wanted to name him Javier after one of our cousins…
Me, Atticus and Dora.
Atticus and Dora taking pics by the pool.
Me and the birthday girl.

Singing Happy Birthday....

It was a quick trip but I was very happy that we got to go.  I wish I would have thought to take more pictures!  These didn't really do justice to how fun the party was.

The best part for me was that we were all together on my mom’s birthday.  I think my mom had a big laugh up in heaven.